Lumis 光の仮面



This masked duelist duo was ready to take down the top two duelists at the same time as they challenged Yugi and Kaiba to a terrifying duel on top of a skyscraper. The building's ceiling beneath their feet was made of glass, and if Yugi or Kaiba's life points ran down to zero, the glass would shatter. The losers would plunge hundreds of stories down to their doom into the Shadow Realm.


  • Occupation : Rare Hunter
  • Friends/Allies

  • Lumis Cards

  • Card ExchangeCard Exchange
  • Chosen OneChosen One
  • Curse TransferCurse Transfer
  • Grand Tiki ElderGrand Tiki Elder
  • Mask of DispelMask of Dispel
  • Mask of RestrictMask of Restrict
  • Mask of the AccursedMask of the Accursed

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